drover package


drover.cli module

Command-line interface functionality for the Drover interface


The main command-line entry point for the Drover interface

drover.io module

Generic functionality related to files and I/O

class drover.io.ArchiveMapping(source_file_name: pathlib.Path, archive_file_name: pathlib.Path)

Bases: object

A mapping between an archive file name and its corresponding source filesystem path

archive_file_name: Path = None
source_file_name: Path = None
class drover.io.FunctionLayerMappings(function_mappings: Sequence[drover.io.ArchiveMapping] = <class 'list'>, function_digest: str = None, requirements_mappings: Sequence[drover.io.ArchiveMapping] = <class 'list'>, requirements_digest: str = None)

Bases: object

A function and requirements layer mapping and digest container

function_digest: str = None

alias of builtins.list

requirements_digest: str = None

alias of builtins.list

drover.io.format_file_size(size_in_bytes: float)str

Return a string representation of the specified size as its largest 2^10 representation


>>> format_file_size(2048)
'2.00 KiB'
>>> format_file_size(16252928.0)
'15.50 MiB'

size_in_bytes – a size in bytes

Returns: a string representation of the specified size as its largest 2^10 representation

drover.io.get_digest(source_file_names: Sequence[pathlib.Path], block_size: int = 8192) → Optional[str]

Return a SHA256 hash composed from the content of all source files.


source_file_names – A sequence of source file paths

Returns: A SHA256 hash composed from the content of all source files.

drover.io.get_relative_file_names(source_path: pathlib.Path, exclude_patterns: Sequence[Pattern] = None) → Iterable[pathlib.Path]

Return an unsorted iterable of files recursively beneath the source path

  • source_path – a filesystem path from which to recursively iterate all files

  • exclude_patterns – an optional sequence of regular expressions which will be used to exclude files

Returns: an unsorted iterable of files recursively beneath the source path

drover.io.write_archive(archive_file_name: pathlib.Path, archive_mappings: Iterable[drover.io.ArchiveMapping])None

Write a zip file archive composed of the specified archive file mappings

  • archive_file_name – a writable file

  • archive_mappings – an iterable of mappings of filesystem file names to archive file names

drover.models module

Models for settings and Amazon Web Services interactions

class drover.models.S3BucketFileVersion

Bases: pydantic.main.BaseModel

bucket_name: str = None
key: str = None
version_id: Optional[str] = None
class drover.models.S3BucketPath

Bases: pydantic.main.BaseModel

bucket_name: str = None
prefix: str = None
region_name: str = None
class drover.models.Settings

Bases: pydantic.main.BaseModel

stages: Mapping[str, Stage] = None
class drover.models.Stage(**kwargs)

Bases: pydantic.main.BaseModel

compatible_runtime: str = None
function_extra_paths: Sequence[Path] = None
function_file_patterns: Sequence[Pattern] = None
function_name: str = None
package_exclude_patterns: Sequence[Pattern] = None
region_name: str = None
requirements_layer_name: Optional[str] = None
supplemental_layer_arns: Sequence[str] = None
upload_bucket: Optional[S3BucketPath] = None

Module contents

drover: a command-line utility to deploy Python packages to Lambda functions

class drover.Drover(settings: drover.models.Settings, stage: str, interactive: bool = False)

Bases: object

An interface to efficiently publish and update a Lambda function and requirements layer representation of a Python package directory

update(install_path: pathlib.Path)None

Publish and/or update a Lambda function and/or requirements layer representation of a Python package directory


install_path – a Python package directory (e.g. via pip install -t)

exception drover.SettingsError

Bases: RuntimeError

Base settings error

exception drover.UpdateError

Bases: RuntimeError

Base update error